Thursday 19 April 2012

Poignant Day

I was re-reading my old diaries today, from when I was a teenager.

Honestly - don't feel like I've changed a whole lot in many ways!!!

I came across a section where I was talking about how difficult it was to write a short script for TV.  I don't remember the process at all, though I do remember the story I was trying to write.  Just about.  I wonder if I still have a draft of it somewhere.

I wrote how I showed the story to my English teacher - gosh, that was brave of me.

And at the back of my diary, there it was; my very first rejection letter.  From all those years ago.

It was a very nice rejection letter, in as much as these things can be.   It really was.  I didn't think such things existed.  But the letter said how I'd dealt with difficult subject matter with a lot of sensitivity, and they were sorry they couldn't take it any further. 

And suddenly, I couldn't stop crying, having read that.  I mean, really, it was a lovely rejection letter, to send a 15 year old, in response to her first script.  To be recognised as a sensitive soul by a complete stranger, at that age.  Very moving!

Unless of course, that's what they said in all their rejection letters!

Words written: 0
Diaries re-read: 1
Tears cried: a fair few

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