Monday 16 April 2012

Are we on Day 10 yet?

Today I wrote a poem!  I did, I did, I did!!!!  I think I did anyway.  Maybe it wasn't a poem!

Maybe it was just a scrawl that was only worthy of the bin!

Maybe it was a bit of prose, that looks like a  poem - maybe it's in disguise!  How can one tell?

Maybe it was someone else's poem, and I'm remembering it from somewhere else, like another life time perhaps!  Or perhaps I channelled it from the spirit world, so it's only half mine?  Or not at all!

It's about the moon.  No, it isn't.  It's about lighting candles on a moonlit night.  No, that's not it either.  It's about a girl who is waiting for her life to begin.  Nope.  It's about a girl who thinks her life is over, and she's waiting to be re-born.  Nope, that's not quite it either.  It's about a girl who is missing a boy.  No, that's so cliche!

But, it's the kind of story everyone can relate to I guess.

It's about a girl who is aggrieved by her parents.  Nope, that's not quite it either.  It's actually about a pond, at night, with no mention of frogspawn whatsoever, and some candles are lit.  That's it.  Kind of.  Not really!

Anyway, whether it's a poem or not, and whether it's prose or not, and whether I'll ever type it up or show it to anybody.....  it matters not!  I LOVED WRITING IT!

And that's all that counts - isn't it???

Words written, I think: 65
Enjoyment of writing: 100%
Confidence in it being a poem: 10%

All is well, perhaps tomorrow I'll write some more!

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