Tuesday 10 April 2012

Day 8 (I caught up with the counting!)

Words written: 0
Hours surfing on net: 5

Was surfing away today, on the web and came across this, in response to the Cave Rescue group interview technique that some employers like to indulge in.  The employer watches the candidates decide who should be rescued and who should be left to die.  They are given a few details as to each person stuck in the cave - age, gender, occupation, criminal record.

I thought about writing a story based on the characters given, but then read the message below and couldn't think of anything to write afterall!

Perhaps I should write about the interview that so obviously went wrong for this person!  Perhaps tomorrow!

Don't rescue any of them!

Tell the employer it's a completely redundant exercise, as it's totally unrealistic.

It's an affront to your moral standing, as you do not wish to play God as regards who lives or dies and tap into the collective guilt that today's society fosters, whereby you'll berate yourself for the next couple of days as to who should and shouldn't be resuced and what this says about you as a person, and your judgements on people.

And it can't possibly reflect your best qualities when it comes to dealing with work colleagues, because at work, every member of the team will have a definitive role and duties assigned them, and you'll have a much better idea as to each colleague's responsiblities and qualities.

And when your work team do get together you won't ever be discussing how to get several people out of cave, and who will die, so the whole thing is pointless and a complete waste of everybody's time, and if the employer can't be bothered to set up a fair activity that enables people to show their best qualities as regards a specific job, then they shouldn't bother at all.

This approach may very well not get you the job, but would you really want to work for a company that was so faulty in their interview techniques anyway?!

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