Saturday 31 March 2012

Day One

Words written today: zero.  (How very Bridget Jones of me!)

That approximation is not entirely accurate in its description.  I have written words today, with a pen, onto paper.  But they don't count.  Not really.  They were notes made during a training session.

All those words belong to other people.  I quoted, paraphrased, edited, but I didn't create them; they didn't originate from the assimilation and experience of thirty years on this planet, as lived in the form of Zabby.

So, creative words written: zero.

How does that make one feel, when one is supposed to be a writer?  Futile?  Redundant?  Useless?  Mierable?  Laissez-faire?  Joyful?  Peaceful?  Accepting?  All of the above?

I added the positive adjectives, not because I genuinely feel them, but for the sake of variety.  They are possibilities - just not  ones I'm currently inhabiting.

I take great comfort from the fact that I remember reading somewhere (possibly from one of the invaluable aids written by Natalie Goldberg) that a writer never really leaves square one; I concur, in many respects, that I have in fact found this to be the case.

Words: zero.  Square: one.

All is well in the world: perhaps tomorrow I'll write.